
Señor Jordan

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01-004- El Alfabeto / The Alphabet

Here’s the alfabeto in Spanish. Notice there are a few extra letters.

here’s an updated video with some updates on letter pronunciation:

Hope this was helpful. Feel free to leave comments and/or questions. ¡Adiós!

Pronunciation key:
Aa – a
Bb – be
Cc – ce
– che
Dd – de
Ee – e
Ff – efe
– ge
Hh – hache
Ii – i
Jj – jota
Kk – ka
Ll – ele
LLll – elle
Mm – eme
Nn – ene
Ññ – eñe
Oo – o
Pp – pe
Qq – cu
Rr – ere
RRrr – erre
Ss – ese
Tt – te
Uu – u
Vv – ve
Ww – doble uve (doble u / uve doble)
Xx – equis
Yy –
ye (i griega)
Zz –

*CH, LL and RR aren’t letters. Watch the second video and I explain it a little better. 🙂

34 Responses

  1. Mi señor Jordán:

    Yo se que a la v le decimos uve, be chica o be corta. Be es la B, la segunda letra del alfabeto. Solo en la tele dicen “te be” cuando se refieren al canal de la televisión o cuando quieren decir tv.

  2. Gracias. Me di cuenta que este video será re-hecho porque hay muchos errores y dudas por parte de mis colaboradores hispanos cibernéticos (como Usted). Lo chistoso es que así me enseñaron el abecedario en una escuela gringa. ¡Qué horrible! ¿verdad? Lo aprendí mal.

  3. De nada mi amigo, me ha gustado mucho sus vides y los recomendaré a mis anglohablantes que les gusta la lengua española.
    Entiendo lo que me dices que aprendiste en EE UU. Mi sobrino hoy día está en una clase que se llama “Relieve”. Creo que quieren decir “topografía”, jamás de los jamases he escuchado a alguien decir clase de relieve. Solo los mapas se que tienen relieves. En fin, luego aprende uno de sus errores. Un buen libro con un “tumbaburros” (diccionario) al lado, siempre ayudan mucho.


  4. Hola! Thank You for the very very HELPFUL video’s, I am able to follow along and comprehend what I’ve learned……Keep up the GOOD WORK!!!

  5. Jordan, you are amazing. I’ve been studying spanish for approximately 4 months at home. I’m always looking for good instruction. I am very impressed with your work. Thank you much… you are very helpful.

  6. hola sr jordan….i just wanted to let u know how great and helpfull you were i thank you from the bottom of my heart you can’t imagine how much your videos have helped me and now i speak arabic ( mother tounge) english and a bit spanish …gracias

  7. hi senor!

    I noticed in your comment above you wrote “porque”, whats the difference between that and “porqué”…I used a translator and the first one means “because” and the latter “why”…I’m kinda confused, do they have different pronounciation or does that one word have two meanings?
    muchas graciassssss 🙂

  8. Sr. Jordan,

    Thank you so very much for your videos. They have been so helpful and wonderful. I have truly prayed for a tutor who could take it very slow with me; and you have done just that. I really aprreciate all of the time and effort you have put on making this videos free for the public, as well as enjoyable for your viewers to learn spanish. May God bless you!

  9. ! Hola ! senor Jorad,
    El alfabeto is good enough to learn el alfabeto en Espanol. Your video also helps us the pronunciation of el alfabeto. Gracias.
    Only thing I want to mention here that I need a little bit more attention in case of “G”.

    ! Adios !

  10. Hola ! Sr. Jordan,
    related to my above question…….
    is “G” is pronounced as “H” (hard, from throat), or
    “KH” (hard, from throat), or other way .

  11. Hola Sr Jordan,

    Felicitaciones por su página y los videos fantásticos que además son super útiles! Usted hace que se aprenda fácilmente.

    Sería buenisimo que enmendara este video con las reformas se han hecho al alfabeto español; por ejemplo: la CH y la LL ya no existen y la Y ahora se llamam ‘ye’ y no i griega.

    Muchas gracias
    Lucila Clarkson

  12. thank you mister Jordan for your video lesons…i look at you and i see a simple,happy person,i like simple people and you eaxplane those lessons veri simple ,that people can undesrtand very well… i like very much spanish langiuage and when i finded your website i was very happy bcs you help me very much…its very easy cs spanish its little like romanian language ,my native language

  13. hola amigo me gustan tus clases, yo considero que son muy útiles para las personas que están aprendiendo español. en el abecedario español la “CH” ya no existe mas. ya la eliminaron porque C y H juntas forman CH. esa es la razón porque ya no tenemos en nuestro abecedario la letra CH. gracias por tus video son muy buenos y tu pronunciación es muy buena!

  14. Thank You Mr Jordan, I came across your videos on youtube by accident but definitely I’m gonna run through all of them and really put my efforts to learn Spanish. You’re doing great job by teaching us – greetings from Poland.

  15. I have been trying, off & on for many years to learn Spanish without much success. I have a mental block (temporary I hope) that slows my learning of the Spanish Language. Your videos are great and I find I can replay them 10, 20 30 times of more without getting bored! & it takes that long for me to “get it”! Your presentations are great because they are relaxed, focused (one topic at t time), and you repeat things is different ways, which helps reinforce the lesson. I especially liked the spelling to practice the alphabet. Thank you for your efforts!

  16. Thank you for providing this resource. I have taken all five levels of Rosetta Stone, but still have difficulty with verb conjugation. Your lessons are helpful. The links to other sites is also appreciated.

  17. Hi teacher … why i hear ” Ya ” in Como te llamas? but I hear ” La” in llama in sentence Como se dice llama en espanol? please correct me

  18. I am Egyptian. I will travel to spain next March for two weeks vacation. Your videos are of great help to me giving me the basics of spanish language…. Thanks a lot..

  19. Excelente trabajo!!! vi el video en el que sales con la camisa y explicas el Alfabeto esta muy bueno….pero quisiera saber algo sobre la “Z” pienso que se escribe “ceta” y no “zeta” pues no conozco ninguna otra palabra que tenga la silaba “ze” en español.
    Saludos y sigue adelante!

  20. This doesn’t have to be related to the alphabet per se, but what do you think about making a video song of where to use accents in words. (ending in n, s or a vowel….)? Thank you for your thoughts. I love your site!

  21. Thank you for your lessons! Can i ask for the pronunciation of the letter D? I mean it’s the same in the word “andar” and “adentro” ?

  22. Thank you, Mister Jordan, for your video lesions … I look at you and I see a simple, happy guy, I like simple people and you eaxplane those lessons veri simple, the people can undesrtand very well … I like Spanish language very much and when I found your website I was very happy bcs you support me a lot … it’s very easy cs spanish its little Romanian language, my native language.

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